Please bring back V beceause we would like to see the the show bring closure for the fans. I tuned into V on a regular basis and I would hate to see it disappear,have a heart for the viewers.
What is wrong with these tv exec’s. they just don’t get it. one loyal scifi fan is worth ten from other shows. They are loyal and they buy products. advertisers dream… a scifi show does not have to be number one to be successful. they don’t get it. hero’s was a good example. or lost…
i can’t believe they cancelled this show…. what is wrong with these guys…
Great show, two brilliant female lead actors and the perfect example of a Sci Fi show about aliens that doesnt actually involve seeing any aliens or laser guns. The drama is essentially the exploration of mothers/female emotion and what lengths they will go to to protect their family/children and the exploration of what makes us human and whether spirituality is relevant or even exists and whether it separates humans from the rest of the beasts.
It just happens to be set against an alien invasion!!
As a bloke that concept should irritate the hell out of me, but V hits ALL the right buttons in being the right amount of sci-fi geekness and thoughtful ideas on big issues.
We need V season 3, Please ABC change your mind…… I know us brits don’t count for much in the US ratings wars but we are getting a bit tetchy with being drawn into series and then the door being slammed in our faces halfway in.
Bring V back! seems it was a huge hit, here in the U.K.
loved the original series in the mid 80”s but despite nostalgia, i thought V reimagined, was BETTER, superb acting, bring it back ABC-or at least tie up the loose ends you have left, in yet another axed series, you owe it to the viewers, who were loyal to the shows!
This really sucks. I mean why would NBC cancel such awesome shows that get better episode by episode? It’s ridiculous that they have to get rid of shows like this right after such an overwhelming season finale which makes me want to watch it even more! I think it’s just so stupid when we have to get rid of amazing shows such as The Event and V ( shows that actually have meanings and plots to them ) while there are so many dumb pointless shows that actually still air! I am really hoping that NBC does not cancel any of my 2 favorite t.v shows, otherwise if they do, F*** them for ruining my television life.
We need to keep this show, it is the only good SciFi on tv. Two women competing for the love of their children in the mist of an invasion. American rebels trying to hold it together. Bring it back.
When i heard this show was gonna be cancelled i stopped watching it.Another great series was Firefly and it’s something i would love to see brought back
The only two shows I watch with much interest are ‘The Event and ‘V’. It’s a double blow for all viewers who watched both of these but with shows like ‘Invasion’ (2005) which was cancelled (which I watched) and never materialised again, it’s fingers crossed to see if the viewers voice actually gets listened to. Lets hope so!
I was really stoked when they brought this show back. I was hooked on the original series and they left us hanging from that one. Now they’re going to leave us hanging again?
What is with these people. It seems like lately no show can last more than one or two seasons unless it has superior ratings. Unfortunately, that means the only shows that last a long time are the reality shows and I for one have never understood why those are so popular. I think it must be all the people out there with no life of their own.
I want shows that are stimulating and I really like scifi but maybe I’m in a minority. But don’t we deserve to have something to watch too?
Now they’ll just bring in another show that won’t do as well as they think and they’ll cancel that one too. When does it end? They don’t get more people watching by doing this only less. Why don’t they understand that? One of these days people will get completely disgusted and just turn the damn thing off.
Anyway, I would love for this show to come back as maybe a movie or something. Just please give us some kind of closure.
I’m a senior too and looked forward to this show. Who votes on whether a show is cancelled or not? High school dropouts? Must be, judging on what’s left on network TV. I feel like the prom queen whose prom is cancelled at the last minute. Huge disappointment. Network TV is going to lose all of their intelligent viewers.
How about a mini-series of 4-8 episodes or so, to give the show the conclusion it deserves? Loved V, and it got better as this season progressed. Don’t leave us hanging!
Me 3! Lol. Seriously though, TV execs are totally ruining the television experience for most viewers. But I guess there’s nothing to do other than fliick on the tv and watch americas got talent, oh look there’s a dude who picked a penny out of his ass! Wait! American idols on? Oh yay let’s watch as another couple thousand people who can’t sing make tits of themselves on national TV… and what about big brother? ‘Day 679 in the BB house and the latest group of social retards now try to count past 10 with their shoes on…’ I’m so done with TV, no wonder ratings for shows slip when every show worth watching gets cancelled before its over, I mean its not like these are bedtime stories that you don’t have to finish telling cause the kidfell asleep, cause I’m still here, waiting. pretty soon tv will be nothing but infomercials and rednecks and retards hoping to get their 15 min of fame. At least we can count on quality programming like jersey shore to stay on the air, I don’t know what I would do if I never got to see another jacked up italian wanker grease his hair up for the 1 millionth time or see some fake boobed degenerate get drunk and prove yet again that she can fit 6 pool balls into her mouth (tbh never watched jersey shore cause I would rather drink bleach). Guess i’m back to reading books where at least I know the conflicts brought forth will get resolved… but then again most of american probably don’t know what one of those is anymore either, now do you snookie… wtf
hey guys the problem here is i don’t think the corporate big wigs even watch the shows they can
so until they do i say leave them going at least 5 seasons this will give the public what we want at the end of the day it’s us who need a major break from all the reality ,cop ,law and game shows these are so 70s get with the times
we pay for tv now and with all the canned shows now its not worth the raping my wallet gets each month i feel my self and all si fi fans should boycott the networks who do not have the balls to take a small loss in the beginning to reap the rewards later
bring back these shows and start a network that shows only these and i feel you will be on a winner
because if these shows die it means a buttload of writing for me iv’e just finished 2 books one for sliders to end it and one for space ubove and beyond two shows that could have ended with a tele movie
im also in the middle of my own si fi series called (invasion at rygaria) because im sick of the non original crap that is being pushed our way at the moment
so if we all band together and show the fat shirts that we are the ones who eventually pay for these shows they might see things differently
ABC completely lost me as a viewer by cancelling V (and No Ordinary Family). I’m sure they claim it’s due to ratings, but given how they treated the show I say they set it up to fail. First three episodes then a huge wait, then a few more episodes then the season was over, long pause till second season started and then they mess with that too! “13 episodes – no! 10!”… How the F–K did they expect to entice a wider viewing market in when they treated the show as if they really didn’t care one way or another? Not to mention – ratings don’t count DVR viewers. I’d love to have watched the show as the new episodes aired but unfortunately I have this thing called a JOB and I don’t exactly get to choose what evenings I want off based on television. Get real you corporate SCHMUCKS! Not everyone makes tons of money and gets to sit around doing what they want (like watching t.v.) all darn day. The show was warming up so well, the characters were really developing, the drama vs action vs sci-fi’ness was exactly the right kind of balance, but because of how those STUPID corporate schmucks treated it, it’s gone before it was really into it’s full swing – the third season would have been phenomenal! I won’t watch ANYTHING on ABC networks again until they bring back V.
ABC is a piss poor network, please bring V over to SCI-FI so we can keep this show alive. Not only did they cancel V but another great show on another network called The Event. I hope like hell that someone pick up these shows, because they were both great and need to be back on the air.
ABC wouldn’t know a good show if it came up and bit them in the butt. I second that I will not be watching ABC until V comes back. ABC can go down with Anna for all I care.
ABC is really on my “S” list. First they cancel All My Children, now V. The first season was a little rocky which with most new series, they are. They usually have to work the kinks out and settle in. The second season REALLY came alive and had legs. I too watched the V miniseries from the 80′s and then the series that followed. I loved it then and couldn’t wait to see what they did with it 27 yrs later. I LOVE SciFi and as far as I’m concerned there is never enough of it on TV or the big screen. BRING V BACK!!!!!!!
What a supensful show! The suspense, drama and horror in the show is something that could keep this show alive for many more seasons. If the networks had given this show longer air time and repeats during the off season to let people catch up what is going on in the upcoming season, it probably would have atrracted more people to follow the show. V had great potential. Reality shows stink. I don’t care to see another episode of COPS. It is the same thing over and over. At least shows like this gave adversity in every episode which made it worth watching. This show needs another chance!! It’s good drama!
This website might be one of the best ideas I’ve seen come true; well, so was the V series. I am an oldie who watched the old series from beginning to end, and this new twist of the old story was all the lizard guys needed to be completely renewed. Just hoping they will bring this series back, I honestly don’t think anyone at ABC would’ve starved to death for waiting and seeing th way people would get caught as soon as the aliens landed. Please ABC, think with your heads, not with your numbers, or numbers will be the last thing to raise. Bring V back!
They did it again they draw us in with a good series like they did with the 80s version they could a least wind them up before axing them tv companies seem more interested in reality tv then spending money on decent shows when I watch the tv I want a bit of escapism not watching idiots behaving like morons if I wanted that I would go stand in the local shopping centre jerry springer has got a lot to answer for and in the uk we have an idiot as well called Jeremy Kyle more syfy less reality
First Flash Forward now V. I am sick of ABC cancelling my shows and others as well. I am done with ABC and I will let other people know to. I loved this show it got better every episode just like flash forward. Its odd they kept Lost because everyone I talked to about that show said they stopped watching because it made no sense. I want “V” back!!! even if someone else picks it up it was amazing. Whats the point of starting a show and stopping it you will lose viewers it happens but when you cut shows you lose faithful viewers.
Oh it would have never worked…no show has been remade and prospered.
What fools ABC is! V was an awesome take on a series that opened worlds for me as a kid. The writing was pretty good and it was really starting to go somewhere…wtf?? I guess their vision didn’t take into account the generation that also happened to have watched BATTLESTAR GALACTICA…AND LOVED the remake of it!
I guess we are to take the plunge into ridiculous shows like Wipeout and reality tv. Geez…I think not. I’ll find a better channel to watch.
WHY? WHY? Why do they do this to us? Oh cuz the ratings are dropping. WHOOPIE! At least keep it on for the fans who are enjoying the show. Loosers! Ripping us away from shows you put on tv for months and months then taking them off just because the ratings are low. Okay FINE! At least put on a two-hour series finale so that it ends well and NOT leave us with cliffhangers. Remember Nowhere Man? Day Break? I actually loved those episodes but they left you hanging. Please guys…bring V back for at least ONE last season.
What is wrong with ABC?
I am gonna stop watching their shows because everytime I start watching something they cancel it.
Dont they understand that they are losing credibility.
They should at least make a third season to wrap everything up. It doesn’t have to be very long just a few episodes to complete it.
I tuned in loyally to this every week and absolutely loved it!! Second season was way better and the finale quite honestly was one of the best I’ve ever seen. Left me hungry to know what Anna was going to do next! And now we’ll never know it’s the type of show that cant go on forever, but at least one more season please and tie up those ends that were so brilliantly left hanging at the end! Bring V back!!!!
I want brothers and sisters to not be cancelled. IS A GREAT SHOW PLEASE BRING IT BACK. THERE ARE A LOT OF VIEWERS WHO AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for creating this site. It’s frustrating to write on a blog knowing it won’t be read by any TV execs. V is an excellent show and wasn’t given enough chance for Fox to realize how many of us love the series. By the way, who exactly do they contact to base their decision on? How do they know who are the viewers that love it? I’m 74 years old and found this the best show on TV, along with Human Target. Thank God for HBO and Showtime so we aren’t stuck with all those terrible reality shows.
Bring this great show back, I love the new take on an old story.
Me too, Alexandra. I love an old sci-fi show with an up to date look. I think all the fans together can have an impact
Please bring back V beceause we would like to see the the show bring closure for the fans. I tuned into V on a regular basis and I would hate to see it disappear,have a heart for the viewers.
Yes I agree James, I too would love to see how the story will evolve … Thanks for supporting our efforts here …
What is wrong with these tv exec’s. they just don’t get it. one loyal scifi fan is worth ten from other shows. They are loyal and they buy products. advertisers dream… a scifi show does not have to be number one to be successful. they don’t get it. hero’s was a good example. or lost…
i can’t believe they cancelled this show…. what is wrong with these guys…
bring it back….
Yes Don, scifi fans are a very distinct audience segment and certain many advertisers should support them … thanks for joining our efforts Don
Great show, two brilliant female lead actors and the perfect example of a Sci Fi show about aliens that doesnt actually involve seeing any aliens or laser guns. The drama is essentially the exploration of mothers/female emotion and what lengths they will go to to protect their family/children and the exploration of what makes us human and whether spirituality is relevant or even exists and whether it separates humans from the rest of the beasts.
It just happens to be set against an alien invasion!!
As a bloke that concept should irritate the hell out of me, but V hits ALL the right buttons in being the right amount of sci-fi geekness and thoughtful ideas on big issues.
We need V season 3, Please ABC change your mind…… I know us brits don’t count for much in the US ratings wars but we are getting a bit tetchy with being drawn into series and then the door being slammed in our faces halfway in.
Great analysis Steve. Thanks for posting it!
Even a telly movie to wrap it up would be great! I’d vote for that.
Yes Jeans, ideally a 22 hour extended version of it
Thanks for your suggestion…
Bring V back! seems it was a huge hit, here in the U.K.
loved the original series in the mid 80”s but despite nostalgia, i thought V reimagined, was BETTER, superb acting, bring it back ABC-or at least tie up the loose ends you have left, in yet another axed series, you owe it to the viewers, who were loyal to the shows!
This is one of my favorite shows! I DVR every episode to make sure I don’t miss it. I hope they bring it back.
Moloko got it right. Bring it back!
This really sucks. I mean why would NBC cancel such awesome shows that get better episode by episode? It’s ridiculous that they have to get rid of shows like this right after such an overwhelming season finale which makes me want to watch it even more! I think it’s just so stupid when we have to get rid of amazing shows such as The Event and V ( shows that actually have meanings and plots to them ) while there are so many dumb pointless shows that actually still air! I am really hoping that NBC does not cancel any of my 2 favorite t.v shows, otherwise if they do, F*** them for ruining my television life.
ummm isn’t it ABC?
I agree though. My TV life is soo over.
I loved this show. I was a fan of the original series also. It ended with such a cliff hanger. OMG Please bring back “V” !!!!
ABC never gave V the support it deserved. There needs to be a cable channel for the good shows the broadcast networks are too blind to keep.
We need to keep this show, it is the only good SciFi on tv. Two women competing for the love of their children in the mist of an invasion. American rebels trying to hold it together. Bring it back.
When i heard this show was gonna be cancelled i stopped watching it.Another great series was Firefly and it’s something i would love to see brought back
The only two shows I watch with much interest are ‘The Event and ‘V’. It’s a double blow for all viewers who watched both of these but with shows like ‘Invasion’ (2005) which was cancelled (which I watched) and never materialised again, it’s fingers crossed to see if the viewers voice actually gets listened to. Lets hope so!
Great show!
Please bring V back. I loved this show.
I was really stoked when they brought this show back. I was hooked on the original series and they left us hanging from that one. Now they’re going to leave us hanging again?
What is with these people. It seems like lately no show can last more than one or two seasons unless it has superior ratings. Unfortunately, that means the only shows that last a long time are the reality shows and I for one have never understood why those are so popular. I think it must be all the people out there with no life of their own.
I want shows that are stimulating and I really like scifi but maybe I’m in a minority. But don’t we deserve to have something to watch too?
Now they’ll just bring in another show that won’t do as well as they think and they’ll cancel that one too. When does it end? They don’t get more people watching by doing this only less. Why don’t they understand that? One of these days people will get completely disgusted and just turn the damn thing off.
Anyway, I would love for this show to come back as maybe a movie or something. Just please give us some kind of closure.
Even this senior loved V!
I’m a senior too and looked forward to this show. Who votes on whether a show is cancelled or not? High school dropouts? Must be, judging on what’s left on network TV. I feel like the prom queen whose prom is cancelled at the last minute. Huge disappointment. Network TV is going to lose all of their intelligent viewers.
How about a mini-series of 4-8 episodes or so, to give the show the conclusion it deserves? Loved V, and it got better as this season progressed. Don’t leave us hanging!
This Jim concurs with that Jim.
Me 3! Lol. Seriously though, TV execs are totally ruining the television experience for most viewers. But I guess there’s nothing to do other than fliick on the tv and watch americas got talent, oh look there’s a dude who picked a penny out of his ass! Wait! American idols on? Oh yay let’s watch as another couple thousand people who can’t sing make tits of themselves on national TV… and what about big brother? ‘Day 679 in the BB house and the latest group of social retards now try to count past 10 with their shoes on…’ I’m so done with TV, no wonder ratings for shows slip when every show worth watching gets cancelled before its over, I mean its not like these are bedtime stories that you don’t have to finish telling cause the kidfell asleep, cause I’m still here, waiting. pretty soon tv will be nothing but infomercials and rednecks and retards hoping to get their 15 min of fame. At least we can count on quality programming like jersey shore to stay on the air, I don’t know what I would do if I never got to see another jacked up italian wanker grease his hair up for the 1 millionth time or see some fake boobed degenerate get drunk and prove yet again that she can fit 6 pool balls into her mouth (tbh never watched jersey shore cause I would rather drink bleach). Guess i’m back to reading books where at least I know the conflicts brought forth will get resolved… but then again most of american probably don’t know what one of those is anymore either, now do you snookie… wtf
I want my show BACK!!!
hey guys the problem here is i don’t think the corporate big wigs even watch the shows they can
so until they do i say leave them going at least 5 seasons this will give the public what we want at the end of the day it’s us who need a major break from all the reality ,cop ,law and game shows these are so 70s get with the times
we pay for tv now and with all the canned shows now its not worth the raping my wallet gets each month i feel my self and all si fi fans should boycott the networks who do not have the balls to take a small loss in the beginning to reap the rewards later
bring back these shows and start a network that shows only these and i feel you will be on a winner
because if these shows die it means a buttload of writing for me iv’e just finished 2 books one for sliders to end it and one for space ubove and beyond two shows that could have ended with a tele movie
im also in the middle of my own si fi series called (invasion at rygaria) because im sick of the non original crap that is being pushed our way at the moment
so if we all band together and show the fat shirts that we are the ones who eventually pay for these shows they might see things differently
ABC completely lost me as a viewer by cancelling V (and No Ordinary Family). I’m sure they claim it’s due to ratings, but given how they treated the show I say they set it up to fail. First three episodes then a huge wait, then a few more episodes then the season was over, long pause till second season started and then they mess with that too! “13 episodes – no! 10!”… How the F–K did they expect to entice a wider viewing market in when they treated the show as if they really didn’t care one way or another? Not to mention – ratings don’t count DVR viewers. I’d love to have watched the show as the new episodes aired but unfortunately I have this thing called a JOB and I don’t exactly get to choose what evenings I want off based on television. Get real you corporate SCHMUCKS! Not everyone makes tons of money and gets to sit around doing what they want (like watching t.v.) all darn day. The show was warming up so well, the characters were really developing, the drama vs action vs sci-fi’ness was exactly the right kind of balance, but because of how those STUPID corporate schmucks treated it, it’s gone before it was really into it’s full swing – the third season would have been phenomenal! I won’t watch ANYTHING on ABC networks again until they bring back V.
ABC is a piss poor network, please bring V over to SCI-FI so we can keep this show alive. Not only did they cancel V but another great show on another network called The Event. I hope like hell that someone pick up these shows, because they were both great and need to be back on the air.
ABC wouldn’t know a good show if it came up and bit them in the butt. I second that I will not be watching ABC until V comes back. ABC can go down with Anna for all I care.
ABC is really on my “S” list. First they cancel All My Children, now V. The first season was a little rocky which with most new series, they are. They usually have to work the kinks out and settle in. The second season REALLY came alive and had legs. I too watched the V miniseries from the 80′s and then the series that followed. I loved it then and couldn’t wait to see what they did with it 27 yrs later. I LOVE SciFi and as far as I’m concerned there is never enough of it on TV or the big screen. BRING V BACK!!!!!!!
What a supensful show! The suspense, drama and horror in the show is something that could keep this show alive for many more seasons. If the networks had given this show longer air time and repeats during the off season to let people catch up what is going on in the upcoming season, it probably would have atrracted more people to follow the show. V had great potential. Reality shows stink. I don’t care to see another episode of COPS. It is the same thing over and over. At least shows like this gave adversity in every episode which made it worth watching. This show needs another chance!! It’s good drama!
This website might be one of the best ideas I’ve seen come true; well, so was the V series. I am an oldie who watched the old series from beginning to end, and this new twist of the old story was all the lizard guys needed to be completely renewed. Just hoping they will bring this series back, I honestly don’t think anyone at ABC would’ve starved to death for waiting and seeing th way people would get caught as soon as the aliens landed. Please ABC, think with your heads, not with your numbers, or numbers will be the last thing to raise. Bring V back!
They did it again they draw us in with a good series like they did with the 80s version they could a least wind them up before axing them tv companies seem more interested in reality tv then spending money on decent shows when I watch the tv I want a bit of escapism not watching idiots behaving like morons if I wanted that I would go stand in the local shopping centre jerry springer has got a lot to answer for and in the uk we have an idiot as well called Jeremy Kyle more syfy less reality
First Flash Forward now V. I am sick of ABC cancelling my shows and others as well. I am done with ABC and I will let other people know to. I loved this show it got better every episode just like flash forward. Its odd they kept Lost because everyone I talked to about that show said they stopped watching because it made no sense. I want “V” back!!! even if someone else picks it up it was amazing. Whats the point of starting a show and stopping it you will lose viewers it happens but when you cut shows you lose faithful viewers.
Oh it would have never worked…no show has been remade and prospered.
What fools ABC is! V was an awesome take on a series that opened worlds for me as a kid. The writing was pretty good and it was really starting to go somewhere…wtf?? I guess their vision didn’t take into account the generation that also happened to have watched BATTLESTAR GALACTICA…AND LOVED the remake of it!
I guess we are to take the plunge into ridiculous shows like Wipeout and reality tv. Geez…I think not. I’ll find a better channel to watch.
WHY? WHY? Why do they do this to us? Oh cuz the ratings are dropping. WHOOPIE! At least keep it on for the fans who are enjoying the show. Loosers! Ripping us away from shows you put on tv for months and months then taking them off just because the ratings are low. Okay FINE! At least put on a two-hour series finale so that it ends well and NOT leave us with cliffhangers. Remember Nowhere Man? Day Break? I actually loved those episodes but they left you hanging. Please guys…bring V back for at least ONE last season.
I love this show!! Pleas elet it at least have one more season to tie things up
What is wrong with ABC?
I am gonna stop watching their shows because everytime I start watching something they cancel it.
Dont they understand that they are losing credibility.
They should at least make a third season to wrap everything up. It doesn’t have to be very long just a few episodes to complete it.
I tuned in loyally to this every week and absolutely loved it!! Second season was way better and the finale quite honestly was one of the best I’ve ever seen. Left me hungry to know what Anna was going to do next! And now we’ll never know
it’s the type of show that cant go on forever, but at least one more season please and tie up those ends that were so brilliantly left hanging at the end! Bring V back!!!!
I want brothers and sisters to not be cancelled. IS A GREAT SHOW PLEASE BRING IT BACK. THERE ARE A LOT OF VIEWERS WHO AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for creating this site. It’s frustrating to write on a blog knowing it won’t be read by any TV execs. V is an excellent show and wasn’t given enough chance for Fox to realize how many of us love the series. By the way, who exactly do they contact to base their decision on? How do they know who are the viewers that love it? I’m 74 years old and found this the best show on TV, along with Human Target. Thank God for HBO and Showtime so we aren’t stuck with all those terrible reality shows.
Oops, I meant ABC.
Great show that was getting better and better. Great acting, lots of subplots. Anna is the best!